Olagh, aged 10 (in 3 weeks’ time), won our competition with a lovely drawing of her home.
She went home very happy with her new Kindle, a big smile and a goody bag from us!

Lisa says, ‘It was such a difficult decision as we had some amazing pictures sent in from local primary schools.
I really wish everyone could have won and I so enjoyed seeing the budding artists we have amongst us, locally’.

Wedmore Office – Admin Office (by appt only)

Unit 8 Borough Mall
Wedmore BS28 4EB
01934 862370

Congresbury Office – Head Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01934 862370

Lettings Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01275 406870
