Based at Debbie Fortune Estate Agents office at Bridge House, Congresbury, held a summer soiree on Saturday to thank all the volunteers and local supporters of the Café. Run entirely by volunteers it was initially set up to raise funds for a new village hall, however when that project closed down, the project team in liaison with Debbie Fortune Estate Agents agreed to retain the popular café. The surplus profits are now used to support the community, by helping fund village organisations and activities. Details are available on the café website . The brilliantly attended event saw over 100 local residents enjoy a fantastic buffet supplied by the café staff, and a healthy amount of Prosecco to accompany it. All this to the wonderful sounds of a local Saxophonist under the mid afternoon sun. Well done to the Community Café for the excellent initiative and their continued support of our local community.

Wedmore Office

Unit 8 Borough Mall
Wedmore BS28 4EB
01934 862370

Congresbury Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01934 862370

Lettings Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01275 406870