Pictured is the lucky winner of this year’s Debbie Fortune Estate Agents and Congresbury Community Cafe ‘Children in Need’ prize hamper draw, Nick Finch from Wrington…..

We would also like to say a BIG thank you to all the local businesses and kind hearted individuals for your generous gift donations, purchase of tickets and for being great sports on the day.

Please note for any latecomers our just giving page is still currently open for further donations https://www.justgiving.com/…/debbie-fortune-estate-agents3

Grand Total to be announced at the end of the week!

Wedmore Office – Admin Office (by appt only)

Unit 8 Borough Mall
Wedmore BS28 4EB
01934 862370

Congresbury Office – Head Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01934 862370

Lettings Office

Bridge House, High Street,
Congresbury, BS49 5JA
01275 406870
